Luctor et Emergo

by Tink

It's been a week...

Thursday, April 16, 2009 2 comments

A week that I spend most of the time in or on the bed. Every day I planned to write but just couldn't spare the energy and inspiration of doing so. Anyone familiar with the 'Spoon Theory'? Well if you are I can tell you I chronically had to lend spoons on a daily base from weeks ahead and we all know what that leads to. If you click this link the Spoon Theory will be known to you also and you can begin to understand what it is like to live with a chronic debilitating exhausting illness.
Or you can print it out and send it to all you friends, co-workers and family. I'm sure they will be surprised of how little they knew about what it's like to be you.

My first appointment with the acupuncturist went very well. She totally understood what I needed, additional therapy to support my body in becoming stronger and more energy. Stronger so I can withstand the treatment of killing off the viral and bacterial infections that taken up house in my cells.

The treatment took over an hour, my insurance pays for 20 treatments so that is nice. Additional I received some herbal medicines that are going to help with my Qi and energy. After a day I noticed a more upbeat mood and even some hope for the future, my bladder infection was less and I even started to think about doing some art work! However on Friday my UTI was back in full force and it is so painful I often doubled over and couldn't get up. I have had kidney stones before and am afraid this is being caused by one as well. But the on the other hand the Chlamydia and Mycoplasma infections that I have can also cause UTI's.

Being in so much pain got me irritated and snippy, I didn't feel like doing anything but went out anyway. Stupidly enough I went to sit on a cold bench in a doggy park, what was I thinking? Not obviously!
By Monday I couldn't get out of bed but had to because mrs.Mop was due to arrive to clean the house and it needed to be tidied up, otherwise she cleans around it but not under it. So I crawled through the house, crying my eyes out because of the horrible situation I'm in. W. had left for work early and wasn't there to give me a hand. It sometimes feels like I'm in a horror movie and I think 'this can't be my life, it just can't'. It's so surreal.

Today was my second acupuncture appointment, I told her about the UTI an she offered to treat it right away with acupuncture. When she placed those needles at the bladder points it was like I got an electric shock, it was very painful, it did become less after a while but according to my dr. this was a good sign, she placed the needles at the right point and healing could begin.
I also got some herbal pills for bladder and bacterial infections called Chuan Xin Lian and what I did read about it sound very promising so here is to hoping it will do the trick.

At home I rested a bit and drank some tea on the couch, when I got up I passed out. Flat out to the floor, luckily nothing was in the way and I didn't hurt myself. It has been a while since I fainted, I guess this time it was from the stress of the past days and the pain and fever. My pup was sitting close to me, worried about what was wrong. We spend the rest of the day with my morphine pills in bed.

Hope tomorrow will be better, today it felt like this could easily be my last.

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(2) Comments

  1. Bibi On April 21, 2009 at 10:41 AM

    I'm not all the way up to speed yet, but it's good to read that you don't shy away from alternative medicine.
    Acupuncture has been a life saver for me together with herbs.
    I'm not completely recovered but know I will get there:-)

    Tink On April 21, 2009 at 10:55 PM

    Hi Bibi, thanks for visiting me ;-)
    I think the best approach to an illness is a combination of the best of all treatments available. I always have combined Naturopathy, D.O, Western medicine, Homeopathy and Eastern Medicine. Why not use it if it is available? Luckily my physicians do work together so there's no overlap.