Cpn, Chlamydia Pneumoniae, is an infectious bacteria and the most active bacterial infection in my body and a dangerous nasty bug.
It has 3 life stages. Cpn is not in your blood but it heads for your cells(brains, organs like l=kidneys, liver, lungs, heart, sinus) right away. Once in a cell it takes on the ID of that cell so your immune system does not recognize it. Clever little buggers! Than it sets up little factories where it can reproduce itself and it seals the cluster it has now made and goes into a resting stage.
Around that cluster a film is forming, a bio film and over time other bacteria and viruses harden the bio film wand on the outside with the Cpn bacteria in it so no antibiotics can get to it.
Now what I first need to do is take a medication that will open up the bio film and once it's open the abx(antibiotics) can get in. However these are though nasty critters and they will put up a fight and because of the different life stages we need different ab's to deal with that. If one isn't working anymore the other one can take over and clean up the mess.
The toxins they release will be horrible and no walk in the park, it will make me ill and cause painful inflammation everywhere. Because I have a BIG problem detoxing it is going to be a closely monitored event. I miss certain gene that takes care of providing glutathione used for detox.
The problems is they(the bacteria) have taken up house in the mitochondria which takes among other things care of the detoxing. I keep suppling it with glutathione injections but not sure if it is enough and maybe I'm just feeding the beasts.
The protocol is been used by a lot of people who have Cpn, it's a common co-infection in MS and ME/CFIDS. it's a controversial protocol because it uses up to 5 different abx at the same time for a long time. A protocol maybe take from 2 - 5 years so it's not just a course of abx of 10 days and you’re done with it. No this is a long term plan, it's _that_ hard to kill off the buggers.
There are different variations of the protocol. It started with dr, Stratton who did a lot of research and work on this but had to close his facility because funds dried up. Now where did I hear that before? dr.Freitas anyone? Luckily a lot of information he wrote and produced has been preserved and it all can be found on the Cpn web site.
The 3 protocols or CAP(Combined Antibiotic Protocol)as they are called are recommended by dr. Stratton and dr. Wheldon from the UK who is a microbiologist. Many regular physicians do not feel comfortable prescribing so many abx for so long because the have no experience with it. I'm so lucky and grateful to have W. as my physician who not only is very knowledgeable but also not afraid to think outside the box and accept my ideas and research.
I ordered the Interfase Plus a medication to remove and open up the biofilm and will start as soon as it arrives which according to my peeps at Amazon will be tomorrow.
That will take about 3 weeks according to W. and he said my body will let me know when it's ready to move on to the next stage. How exactly I don't know but I'm sure I'm in for a ride ;-) That next stage will be a abx called Biaxin or Clarithromycin.
This time I truly intend to document it all, because I know so many of you still have to go through this and so little info is to be found. I hope it will help someone.
I'm so grateful for my friends online who support and cheer me on no matter what I do and who are all so understanding of what I feel and let me whine and be silly when I need to. Thanks you guys, where would I be without you? Honestly, without the Internet I would go insane, it's my window to the world.
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