Luctor et Emergo

by Tink

Black Clouds

Monday, June 11, 2012 2 comments

This is how it has been for me the past year. There are not enough umbrellas in the world to cover us from the fall-out of the black clouds that kept following us. When we solved one disaster we were hit with the next one. Not only my health, or lack of health, but problems that considered us as a family, hurtful, stressful and causing deep grieving.

For some people that is cause to start pouring it out on their blog, not for me, I'm a fretter, I eat it all up inside. Maybe because my DH isn't really the conversational 'do you want to talk about it' type of guy, but more the 'if I don't talk about it it doesn't exist' type. I'm sure a lot of women can relate. No need for further explanation.

Anyway, I have decided to come out of hiding and try to participate in the world called blogging again, maybe someone can find something useful in the stuff that I put out, that would make it all worthwhile.

Stay tuned for the next chapter tomorrow.

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(2) Comments

  1. Unknown On June 11, 2012 at 5:50 AM

    I have just now seen your blog and look forward to following it. A couple of thoughts: 1. Have you read the book, "How to be Sick" by
    Toni Bernhard? 2. I agree, it is hard to blog regularly when you feel you are saying the same thing over and over. One of the ways to over come this is to ask yourself, what am I learning from all this? How can my experience inform and help others? I believe that, with your writing skills, such blog-thoughts and ruminations would greatly enhance your experience of blogging.

    Tink On June 11, 2012 at 3:04 PM

    Hi Carol,

    Thanks, your blog is on my reading list as well. To answer your question, yes I have read Toni's book many many times and I often open it and just let it fall to a page and I will read that chapter. It's a great book and my hope is that it will be translated in many languages so more people can enjoy it.

    It's not so much that I'm afraid to say the same thing over again, but when I go through a health or personal crisis I don't feel like putting that out there. Some people do and find it helps them or others who go through the same tremendously but I don't.
    Last year was particularly rough for me, many relapses and 95% bedridden and needing to find a way to deal with that and still keep my sanity.

    Funny you should mention the learning experience. Coincidentally I posted this on my status update on Facebook long before you wrote this to me.

    "For every setback, disappointment and heartbreak, ask yourself, "What does this create the opportunity for?"
    And therein you will find its gift.

    Everything has a reason."

    Thanks for your comment, I truly appreciate it.