Major AutoHemo Ozone IV
Thursday, February 06, 2014
blood draw,
This is how I feel wrt to my treatment a small boat on the ocean drifting from one place to the other, with not really a plan or anything to guide me.
Small and insignificant.
I had a to put my plan to write about Nexavir and Lufenuron on hold for a bit. I first needed to prepare for a trip outside the house to the clinic. And you all know what that implies. Not sleeping the night before because you are worrying that you will not sleep the night before and be too exhausted to make it to the clinic. Washing or bathing, actually getting dressed, waiting for help me put on bra and shirt and pants and cardigan, eat if possible, take meds, get injections, brush teeth, look at hair(I'm lucky I'm almost bald so no worring about styling my hair), get stuff for bag like iPad and iPhone, wait for W. to put on my shoes, look longely at the espresso machine, but no we've ran out of time. One should never be too late so that you have to leave the house without having an espresso first. Dang!
Are you exhausted yet too?
2:30 pm made it in time, not that it matters because they are real flexible. First things first and that was getting a hug and a cuddle from Max, the Viszla, he is the office therapy dog. Such a great dog with lovely golden brown fur coat and the softest ears ever. Great for running your fingers through while discussing difficult subjects.
After that pick a chair and kick back. I was informed that we needed to do more blood draws than planned. dr.V. thought we would replicate our usual standard testing plus the testing dr. dr Meirleir did so we could move ahead and do not have to wait any longer for his report. Too bad about the money that I spend on that but waiting any longer for him to find time to discuss my treatment will cost me more than just money.
That 'bit' more blood was about 26+ vials. I will post photos below and the large syringes that your see in the photo, those vials were about that large and there were about 10 of them. And it is not that I have much blood to go around, I actually have a low blood volume.
After they put in the IV line they drew the blood and then they connect the IV line to a bag and put that in a plastic container on the floor next to my chair. It's suppose to get filled with my blood also.
I have to tell you there is something fascinating in seeing your blood running down in a plastic bag in a container on the floor. You really start to wondering if you are not going to run out of blood after that large draw. Especially when the nurses are joking that you probably won't have enough for the Ozone IV. Ha ha. They were not kidding.
When the bag is full the disconnect it and with the large syringes infuse it with IV fluids and Ozone. Its fun to see the blood reacting to the Ozone with pink bubbles like a milkshake.
When all is in the bag they hook it up to you again and it goes back into your body.
That is the idea behind auto-hemotherapy. I had it before but not with the Ozone, we used homeopathic infusions to mix up in the blood and the large syringe was injected intramuscular im my upper arm again, causing an auto-immune reaction. The body sees the newly added blood with a substance as a foreign body and goes into attack mode killing the bad guys in your body. Or that is the theory. The auto-immune reaction wasn't fun. All joints, muscles, bones were inflamed and it hurt like hell. Was not able to walk or lift my arms for 3 days.
There are a few things that Ozone does:
1. It is an immune system regulator. By an overactive immune system it calms it down, an underactive immune system will be stimulated.
2. Ozone stimulates increased uptake of oxygen important for starved cells and tissues.
3. Ozone improves circulation. Important for chronic patients who often have impaired circulation.
4. Ozone increases antioxidant protection.
5. Ozone is a powerful mitochondrial stimulant.
6. Stimulating white blood cell production.
7. Killing viruses (ozone and hydrogen peroxide)
8. Increasing the production of interferon and tumor necrosis factor, thus helping the body to fight infections and cancers
But what is most important to me is that when ozone is injected into the treated sample of blood it destroys any pathogens and when it is injected back into me it has the effect of an autogenous (self-generated) vaccine.
5:30pm: Going back home. W. spend all that time waiting for me. He can use dr. V.'s office so he can work and can take work calls in privacy. They really are awesome.
All in all took 3 hours and I was exhausted by the time we got home. So far no other reaction than the 'normal' autoimmune reaction and the extreme exhaustion. No herx or die-off, yet.
Next week it will be a 'normal' IV at home.
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