Do I have fleas? The secret of Lufenuron.
Friday, February 07, 2014
systemic yeast infection,
yeast infection
No, I don't have fleas! ;-)
But Lufenuron is used in veterinary medicine to treat fleas.
It attacks their Chitin, their protective hard wall.
To say I was a bit shocked and grossed out when it was suggested to me as treatment for my Systemic Yeast Infection is an understatement. After we went to the website where it was explained how it worked and that it is non-toxic on the liver, unlike Diflucan and Nystatin I was a bit at ease with it all.
For those of you who do not know what a Systemic Yeast Infection is and how you get one here is my story how it happened to me.
3 years ago we were treating my high titers of Cpn(Chlamydia Pneumoniae) with a rotation of antobiotica which I will refer to from now on as abx because I have serious problems typing that word without an error. ;-) After a year my titers were still not any lower and I had an allergic reaction to the penicillin. We decided to stop for a few months.
What follows will sound as too much information but I'm writing this to warn others.
A few weeks later I felt the start of a vaginal yeast infection, we probably all have been there once so we know how it feels. I asked W. to go the store to get me some Monistat cream and they came with suppositories. Luckily for me I tried the cream first, thinking that later at night I would use the suppositories and be over with it. Seconds after applying the cream I was screaming in pain. The whole area burned like hell! I had an allergic reaction and no washing, warm or cold water could stop it. My vaginal area swoll up 3 times as large.
I never cried as much as I did than. I didn't know what to do, what do you do in a situation like that? You ask dr. Google. It turned out that there were thousands of women who had an allergic reaction to the Monistat, just like me. Monistat and the FDA have been notified of this yet they are allowed to keep the product on the shelf.
I luckily only used the cream that I could more or less wash off but that didn't stop the reaction. There were women who used the suppository and the cream and once swollen it was impossible to remove the suppository. They were even in more hell than I was. reading all these stories made me so freaking mad. Why was this product still on the shelves? I take Hydrocortisone daily so I upped it to stop the allergic reaction. I had 5 sleepless nights before the burning subsided a bit. No, going to ER was not an option. That's why I was checking google to see if it was somehow advised. But women who went to ER all were send home, nothing could be done. A few got help by being irrigated to flush out the suppository or what was left but most of it was already absorbed. It took a good year before I wasn't bothered daily by it. And we tried all that was available to us. The thing that helped the most was crushing a few Tylenols, making a paste with a bit of warm water and applying that to the affected areas. That also burned but only a few seconds.
A few days after this allergic reaction the skin under my breasts started to turn read and become cracked and inflamed. Pretty soon the yeast infection went from my breasts to the rest of my skin, my mouth, nose and ears and that's when it is called a systemic yeast infection. It affects the whole body.
What caused the yeast infection to begin with?
The abx kills not only the bad bacteria but also the good bacteria in your gut. And because 80% of your immune system is located in your gut you can imagine what happens. Candida, or yeast is an opportunistic pathogen. It can live very quietly in your body and when it sees that the immune system is shot it takes over before you can blink your eyes.
I have the Systemic Yeast Infection reasonably under control with every now and then a course of Nystatin, the only medication I can tolerate, diet, coconut oil, supplements and homeopathy.
But it's still there, if my immune system has a dip, up goes the yeast. We need to get rid of it for good especially because prof.dr. de Meirleir told me that he will advise abx infusions. Not a good idea with a systemic yeast infection. I decided to give it a go and ordered it a couple of weeks ago and now it is here!
It had to come from the Czech Republic because you can not buy it over here and there is an Asian scam going on where people sell useless powder as Lufenuron. You can actually buy it as Program flea meds from Novartis for dogs but it's much much more expensive than the powder I purchased now.
What is Lufenuron?
From my documentation 'Lufenuron Candida Treatment Patient Guide'.
The link will be at the end of this blog entry.
Lufenuron is an over-the-counter veterinary remedy available in pet shops under the name "Program VET" by Novartis. It is given to dogs or cats once a month, and it prevents flea larvae from growing into adult fleas by interfering with their Chitin synthesis. Chitin is the hard substance the exoskeleton of insects is made of. The interesting fact about Chitin is that it is not just used by insects and arthropods, it also makes up a significant part of the fungal cell wall of many fungi, during an important phase of their life cycle.
How does it work?
Lufenuron is not metabolized in the liver but is absorbed and stored in fatty tissues and after 3 days it is slowly released and will interfere with anything with chitin in your body. Whether that will be a parasite or Candida it doesn't matter. Lufenuron does not affect the good bacteria in the gut or on the skin it is listed as completely safe to use with no side effect other than the expected die-off which of course depends on how bad your infection is or how much parasites you have.
As you can see from above it is a small bag of powder, You are suppose to divide it up in 3 parts and take it 3 days in a row with a fatty meal because it only is absorbed in fat. Don't try to dissolve it in water it will not work.
I am putting it in my full fat greek yogurt from Trader Joes with some yummy raspberries and some raspberry syrup.
That's it. I intend to start on Friday if I feel enough recovered from the bloodletting on Wednesday, if not I'll start on Saturday.
I will report back with how I feel day by day and what the results of the die-off(YUCK!) are.
Wish me luck!
Link to the Lufenuron website, it's not the most modern looking side but it comes recommened and is completely legit. On top of the website you see a link to downloads, there you can find the treatment guide I mentioned above.
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