I have chronic bursitis in both hip joints, on the outside, Wednesday evening my shoulders decided to join them. I first thought it was an autoimmune reaction to the Ozone autohemo but after the hours went by it developed in bursitis in both shoulders.
It's very very painful. The few things that I could do myself I now need help with and it is embarrassing all over again. As you can imagine I don't know how to lie comfortable in bed, neither sides in an option and the inflammation in my spinal cord makes it impossible to sleep on my back.
W raised the top piece of my bed( I have 2 hospital beds. One in my room and the other in the family room), added a few pillows so I more or less sit/lie but not for very long because it's exhausting.
These are the days that there is so much pain that it is all consuming and you start asking yourself how much longer you have to hold on.
Typing is painful as well, luckily my iPad is very helpful I. Typing the words that I dictate with a few errors here and there :-) I will keep this short. I'll hope to be back with news about the Lufenuron soon.
Until then, be well and many blessings!
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