Luctor et Emergo

by Tink

Change is coming

Wednesday, January 20, 2010 0 comments

Artwork is from the lovely, funny, multi talented and always an inspiration, Andy Dooley

Change is coming! It's my theme, my mantra for this year, this decade. I can feel there is a change in the air, whether it's good or bad I don't know, but it will be a change for sure. It's about time!

I have not been able to write much the last months. Too ill, too much stress, too much sadness. Too many treatments that started and did not work, too many herx episodes and too little detox.

This year started on a right note, we finally started the treatment we have been discussing since last year July. It looks like a modified Neural Therapy, except we're injecting homeopathic solutions in corresponding acupuncture points. Other ME patients I know that used this (experimental)treatment had very good results with it.

We started with 5 acupuncture points located on my legs and 1 in my elbow, the first session was last Friday. The good news is that I had no negative reaction whatsoever. Besides being sore from being poked at. ;-) I was extremely exhausted and slept for the first time in a long time for 6 hours straight. Woke up at 5:00 AM with swollen hands and a wedding band cutting off blood supply in my finger. It took a lot of oil and soap to get that off. ;-) I had a nasty headache as well which was because toxins were trying to leave my body I think so I drank a lot of water, had a horrible spinal pain, took a Morphine tablet and went back to sleep till 10:00 AM! It's amazing to be awake at 10:00 AM and feel like eating breakfast! Swollen hands were gone.

Normally with my delayed sleep cycle I do not get to sleep until 4:00 or 5:00 AM, wake up at 10:00 AM also but exhausted and sad because I did not manage to get a good night sleep again. I still get up or try to get up at 10:00 AM to keep a 'normal social acceptable' schedule, but the result is not in the best interest of my healing. I should sleep at least till noon. Why I don't? It's because I'm afraid to totally switch night and day and the nagging voice of my mother in my head that only scum lay in bed all day. Funny how that still works.

My cortisol is out of wack. I have 2 peaks during a day. One peaks at 11:00 AM and the other at 11:00 PM. No wonder I can not sleep because my body feels awake because of the cortisol. Normal people have a curving cortisol graph, not me. I go from nothing to a peak like Mt.Hood and than drop pretty quick again.

The next day after treatment I felt pretty well, mental clarity and my mood improved. Physical I did not notice any changes yet but I hope that will soon change after we start injections 3 times a week. It's hopeful that I didn’t have a negative reaction after so many treatments made me decline even more.

I also started TCM, and started with the herb Prince's Ginseng or also known as Tai Zi Shen see also this web site

My friend, the acupuncturist loaned me very generous his TDP lamp if you're not familiar with the TDP lamp Wikipedia has a nice entry to it.

I use a wonderful Chinese oil with the lamp called Trauma Oil, which helps with the pain in my muscles and a liquid Zheng Gu Shui(not with the lamp). The last one is magic to my weary bones that hurt so much. Right after applying it I feel the pain becoming less. Something that no lidocaine patch or pain medication has been able to do.

I'm herxing a little but that is good, my body lets me know is has received the message loud and clear, change is on it's way!

Stay tuned for the next update!

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