Luctor et Emergo

by Tink

Creative With Criteria.

Friday, January 15, 2010 0 comments

This is a re-blog something like a retweet if you are familiar with the Twitter language. If not, it's just something that has been posted somewhere else and is been used again to either get attention to the worthy cause or because it was something hilarious. In this case it's both!

I recently stumbled across a blog I wish I had known before.
Posted on this blog was the perfect example on how to be creative with criteria. dr.Speedy who is the owner of this blog states that all materials posted on his blog are free to use so I took him up on his offer and re-blog that exact posting. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

All materials provide dr.Speedy's blog; The NICE-Guidelines Blog

'The Truth About Penguins'

by Peter Kemp

I wanted to study the nature of penguins

The Canadian definition of penguins is that they are

they can swim
largest species up to 1.2m tall
they eat mostly fish
they lay 1 or 2 eggs
they generally live in colonies

the 'CDC' definition of these birds is that they are

they sometimes eat fish
they lay eggs
they can swim

the 'Oxford' definition is that these birds are:

they lay eggs

The 'Oxford' definition was chosen for the research as the others were too difficult to apply. 100 subjects who met the research criteria were studies in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The research found that penguins:

live in deserts
cannot swim
are up to 2.4m tall
weigh 200 pounds
capable of speeds up to 40mph on land
are mostly vegetarian


The research has discovered the truth about penguins. Those funny black and white birds waddling about the ice and swimming in the sea are making fools of everyone. They are not real penguins and should be excluded from further research into penguins

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